To be fair, the Society only picked up what a lot of medical reports were saying in those early days of experimental heart transplants.
Yes, that is very true and one can't fault them too much over that. The problem I have is that they seemed to gloss over the fact that they had once based their logic and interpretations of certain scriptures on the heart literally being the seat of our emotions. For a good long stretch of time, they even claimed that a person would take on the personal traits of the donor after an organ transplant and a blood transfusion. They use secular information that supports their beliefs yet they speak with authority on these matters as if what they are teaching has been revealed to them by Jehovah himself. As far as I know, they never actually came out and said that they were wrong and corrected themselves once they knew better. One could respect them for that if they did. Like other matters, they simply stopped talking about it and after a time, began using different phraseology when talking of this subject.